Previous Mudhal Thiruvandhadhi
Pasuram 29

iRaiyum nilanum iruvisumbum kARRum
aRai punalum senthIyum AvAn - piRai maruppin
paingkaN mAl yAnai padu thuyaram kAththu aLiththa
sengkaN mAl kaNdAy theLi


AvAn  				- He is
iRaiyum  			- Vaikuntanatha,
nilanum  			- the earth,
iru visumbum  			- the expansive sky,
kARRum  			- the wind,
aRai punalum  			- the water (which makes sound), and
senthIyum  			- the red fire.
sem kaN mAl kaNdAy  		- The Lord with the lotus like eyes
kAththu  			- removed 
padu thuyaram 			- the great suffering, and
aLiththa  			- protected
mAl yAnai  			- the large elephant,
piRai maruppin  		- which has tusks like the crescent moon
paim kaN  			- and beautiful eyes.
theLi  				- (O mind!) Know this.

Vyakhyana Saram:
In the previous pasuram, Azhvar spoke of His greatness; hearing that his mind began to back away from Him. Azhvar says - O mind! Do not see His greatness and back away; He is bound to His devotees; Know this.

Poygaiyazhvar Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam

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