adiyEn TCA Venkatesan, descendant of Thirumalai Anandazhvan, a disciple of Ramanuja and one of the 74 simhAsanAdhipathis set by him to spread the Srivaishnava tradition everywhere. I am proud and humbled at the same time that emperumAn chose me to be born in such a lineage. This site is my little drop in the ocean in trying to prove worthy of being an ananthANpiLLai. For a description of this title and Anandazhvan’s works and vaibhavam, please check the Thirumalai Anandazhvan page.
adiyEn was fortunate to be born in Chinna Kanchipuram and spent several years growing up in Thiruvallikkeni.
I have wandered of in different directions since, currently residing near Detroit, Michigan, with my wife Sripriya, our daughter Deeptha Soundaravalli and son Srihari Anandazhvan.
This is but a small effort to give back to the great Srivaishnava community from which I have taken so much. Any errors and mistakes in this effort are entirely mine.
Azhvar Emperumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam
adiyEn madhurakavi dAsan
TCA Venkatesan