Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama:
Srimath Anantharya Mahagurave Nama:
Srimath Varavaramunaye Nama:
In this series, we will be going through several posts on the uniqueness of Nammazhvar’s (and all Azhvar’s) divya prabandhams, in particular Thiruvaymozhi, based on the the sutras of Acharya Hrudhayam. This work was penned by the incomparable Azhagiya Manavala Perumal Nayanar, the younger brother of Swami Pillai Lokachariar.
Leading up to the 36th sutra in this grantham, Nayanar comes to the point that those who are into service to the Lord (kainkarya nishtar) are different from those who are into following the Shastras (karma nishtar).
The former, known as Saaragnar, look into the nature of the soul and are focused on Thirumantram (Astakshari Mahamantra).
The latter, known as Shaastragnar, look into the nature of the body and are focused on Karmas.
In Sutra 36, Nayanar explains their difference by looking at their leaders.
“viprarkku gOthra charaNa sUthra kUTasthar, parAchara pArAcharya bOdhAyanAdhigaL; prapannajana kUTasthar parAngkusha parakAla yathivarAdhigaL.”
Who are the leaders of these two groups, the Brahmins and the Srivaishnavas?
For the Brahmins, their lineage (gOthra kUTashar) is through Parasara, Vasishta, Kashyapa, Bharadwaja, Vatsa and others.
Their Veda Shaka (charaNa) comes through Veda Vyasa (son of Parasara), Gata, Kalaaba, Kanva and others (charana kUTasthar).
Their Anushtana kramam, also known as kalpam, comes through Apasthamba, Ashvalayana and others (sUthra kUTasthar) .
For the Srivaishnavas (those who have done prappati – prapannas; and are into service – aDiyAr or thoNDar), their leaders are Nammazhvar, Thirumangai Azhvar and other azhvars; as well as Ramanuja and other acharyas.
kUTasthar are those who, by upadesa and anushtana, ensure that the prapatti maarga is well established.
Parankusashtakam says
“patyu: shriya: prasAdena prApta sArvagnya sampadam
prapannajana kUTastham prapadye shrIparAngkusham”
Alavandar too says
“Adhyasya na:kulapater vakhuLabhirAmam”
Azhvar Thiruvadigale Sharanam
Azhagiya Manavala Perumal Nayanar Thiruvadigale Sharanam